Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas time

Well folks. It's Christmas time. The best time of the year! I love this time of year. :)
This year, Jaynee and I cut out dozens of paper snowflakes, and hung them from the ceiling. So fun!
This December, I got the opportunity to work at City Creek Center with Santa Clause. It was very fun. I made lots of new friends, and the best part, earned some great money. It was fun to work at the mall, and listen to Christmas music all day long. It got cold a lot though since we worked outside. But it was still lots of fun.
Jayne got me this AWESOME Mickey Mouse snuggie for Christmas. Isn't it so cool?! I got to open it for Christmas eve and sleep with it that night. It is so warm. I love it. Thanks Jaynee!
Last year during the wind storm our favorite tree blew down, the Santa Clause tree. We were all so sad, because it was our family tradition to go see this tree on Christmas eve night. But to our surprise, a new baby tree was planted in its place this year, and decorated just like the old one. We loved it! It made the family so happy. So glad to have a new Santa Clause tree.
Eating lunch with the guys on Christmas day. Not better place for lunch than McDonald's!
 I hope you guys had a great holiday season! I know I did!

Friday, December 14, 2012

A dream is a wish

So I didn't make the Disney College Program this time. It sucks, but It's ok. I don't really have much to say about it. Just thought I'd let you know. But I'm not going to give up. I'm going to keep trying until I get in. This is my dream, and I want and need to do this. I know that I will get it some day. Everything will work out one day. Just have to have faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Well ladies and gents, the time has come for another wonderful holiday where everyone comes together and eats to there hearts desire. It's called thanksgiving. Isn't it beautiful?? 

Thanksgiving really is one of my most favorite holidays. I love it when the entire family can come together, and have fun. It so fun. I'm so grateful for all the wonder people in my life. I hope you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving. NOW GO EAT SOME FOOD!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

All Hallows Eve!

So, it's that time of year again. Finally. It's HALLOWEEN!
This year Cameron chose to be Spiderman. Which is awesome. He has been loving super hero's lately.

Ali's costume was my favorite this year. She was the most adorable Elephant. She is sooo cute!

So, Scott, Sara, and the kids are the only people besides me who dressed up this year. I don't understand why people don't dress up on Halloween. Tis so weird if you ask me. Anyway... Sara was a peanut to match Ali, and Scott was webs to match Cameron. So fun.

And here was my costume. :) I originally had an awesome scary costume. It's a 8 foot tall death....looking thing. But the Ali was terrified of it. Like literally scared out of her mind. She wouldn't even step into the room where I was if I had the costume on. Even if I wasn't in the room anymore, she would still be scared.
So I made this fun Mickey Mouse costume. I just put it together really quick. I think it turned out well.
I hope you all and a wonderful Christmas guys! NOW IT'S TIME TO START THE CHRISTMAS SEASON! ;)

Friday, September 21, 2012


Last weekend, Sara, my Mom, and I ran in the 'Color Run 5K' in Sandy Utah. We ran it along with some other friends of ours. The Color Run is a 5K that is kind of like the Festival of Colors.

You know, just warmin' up. ;)

While you are running the race, people on the side throw colored ground up powder. They throw it up in the air or maybe even strait at you. Every mile marker in the race has a different color.
 Make sense??
Anyway... Everyone wears white shirts, and by the end of the race you are all colorful. It's really fun! 

After the race, everyone had their own packet of a color, and we had a big party where everyone threw their colors in the air, or just had a HUGE color fight. This is where we got the most colorful. :)

It was like our own little Festival of Colors.

Even the cops joined in on the fun!

Color Run.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DCP application time!

I have been waiting what seems like FOREVER for this moment. But, it's actually been like 4 months. I finally got to apply for the Disney College Program again. Yup, I applied for the spring 2013 semester for the Disneyland park. I really hope I get in. I joined the Facebook page for the program awhile back, and the people are so nice on there. They are so awesome. I want to be with them, I want to learn and work with them. So lets cross our fingers and hope for the best.
I will let you know what happens.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

St. George

My family and I took a weekend trip down to St. George because my Grandpa's second wife past away, so we went for her funeral.

We stayed at our neighbors awesome vacation home. It was soooo.. much fun! Cameron and I shared a room with bunk beds. Cameron was super excited to sleep on the top bunk and have a sleep over with me! Every time he had to take a nap or went to bed, he would ask.. "You tired Uncle Robby?" or.. "You coming to bed?" HAHA.. what a cutie!

After the viewing, Sara and I went at saw 'Aladdin' the musical at Tuacahan. It was really really good. We both loved it so much, and had so much fun! I wish I had a better picture...

The next day, after the funeral, we went to 'Chuck-a-Rama' to eat. I took this great picture of Cameron and "Nother one Grandpa" as Cameron calls him. Grandpa Talbot absolutely LOVES Cameron, and Cameron loves him strait back!

We also swam at Grandpas pool after lunch. It was so much fun. We don't swim in Grandpa's pool to often, so it was great. Ali loved it. She usually cries when she is in the pool, or even the tub, but she loved it this time! She is such a swimmer girl!
Here are some swimming pics..

On the last day, Scott and I went to this Wake board water park. It was really cool. It was like actually wake boarding, but you didn't need a boat. It was in this man made pond, and a pulley thing would pull you really fast in a circle around the pond.
The only bad thing is, I COULDN'T ever stand up. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't stand up. It was so frustrating! >_<
Oh well, there is always next time...