Last weekend, Sara, my Mom, and I ran in the 'Color Run 5K' in Sandy Utah. We ran it along with some other friends of ours. The Color Run is a 5K that is kind of like the Festival of Colors.

You know, just warmin' up. ;)
While you are running the race, people on the side throw colored ground up powder. They throw it up in the air or maybe even strait at you. Every mile marker in the race has a different color.
Make sense??
Anyway... Everyone wears white shirts, and by the end of the race you are all colorful. It's really fun!

After the race, everyone had their own packet of a color, and we had a big party where everyone threw their colors in the air, or just had a HUGE color fight. This is where we got the most colorful. :)

It was like our own little Festival of Colors.

Even the cops joined in on the fun!

Color Run.