This is me and my brothers...and my nephew Cameron is at the top.
~Scott is to the left of me... Scott is the oldest brother. Scott is currently in the MBA program and will graduate January of 2013. He went to Huston, Texas on his mission, Spanish speaking. His wife's name is Sara, and his son is Cameron. Scott and Sara are expecting a baby girl (Ali) in June.
~Brian, (In the picture is the one with little Cameron sitting on his back.) he is currently in the fireman program training to be a Fire EMT..or something. He lives at home, and he is 6 years older then me. He loves to make movies, and also to watch a rate them. He works at the hospital.
~Cameron.. lets see... Cameron loves everyone he sees. He will talk to you no matter who or what you are. He loves the movie Toy Story and CARS ... I guess he is a fan of Pixar. ... without him, life would be dull. He loves life, and makes the cutest facial expressions. He enjoys to color, read, play with his cars, to be around animals, and to watch his "shows".
~Sara, is married to Scott. Sara is from Detroit, but then she moved to Utah. Sara works at Select Health, but mostly is a stay at home mommy. She knows how to parent very well, and in result, Cameron is a very well behaved happy child. As I said before, she is expecting a baby girl in June.
~Mom and Dad... are parents. HAHA.. My mom is a stay at home mom, but sometimes she sub statutes for a pre school class for spacial needs kids. She loves animals just like me, and with out her, I wouldn't have the dogs I have today . :D My Dad works at the University of Utah Hospital working in the Vascular lab. ( I think that's what it is.... he works with blood lets say)... He loves to run, hike, walk, swim, ride his bike... lets just say he is a exercises FREAK!

~ Alesia is my sister. She is the oldest sibling of the family. She is married to Stephen, and they have 2 kids together. They are my niece Lauren, and my nephew Aaron. Alesia is a Disney Freak just like me, and love 7th Heaven like me too. She is a stay at home mom, and her husband works at Select Health. They just bought a house in Layton.
~ Lauren and Aaron... Lauren is 5 years old, and she started kindergarten this year, and SHE LOVES SCHOOL! Lauren is so smart, and as a baby, she learned sign language. She loves dogs, and can't wait to move into her new house, because she gets a dog once she does. She loves life, and smiles all the time. She is always on the go, and always thinking of a new project she can do.... just like me... HAHA.
Aaron is 4 years old. He LOVES trucks,trains, boats, and airplanes! He loves Fire Trucks the most! He loves to wrap presents, and to use tape. He loves to use tools, and to build things. He also if very very funny.

~Jenna is my baby. I love her so freakin' much! I never want her to leave my life. Jenna is 3 years old, and is a pure bread German Shepherd. She is the first dog to ever actually be mine, and I couldn't ask for a better dog. She is very energetic, and loves to hike, and go to the park. She is very social, and needs to say hi to EVERYONE (which is kinda bad, because isn't not very fun to see a full grown German Shepherd come running toward you) But the truth is, she won't hurt you, she just wants to say hi, and give you a big kiss!