Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DAY 100, Review!

                                   ....In the past 100 days I .......

.... Started my Senior year of High School.....

.......have gone to School Football games, and had school spirit.....

.....have worn cool shoes.....
Me, Jessica, Bailey

..... went to the Home Coming Dance.....

.... went to the State Fair....

....Lost a loved one...

.... gained a best friend....

.....went to the Halloween Dance....

....Celebrated Halloween....

..... went to the 7th Harry Potter midnight showing...

.....Celebrated Thanksgiving....

...And many many more!...

   Thanks for following me through the past 100 days! I hope that you have enjoyed my blog so far, and I hope you keep reading! I will always keep you updated with the latest activities that I've done. KEEP READING!!, Cause I'm not done yet... I still have 265 days left to go!

I wonder what the next 100 days holds for me.... well... lets find out!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 99, Chrstmas lights!

  I finally finished my putting up my Christmas lights on my house. It looks really really good. Best on the block I believe. :D

This is the whole yard, I know it doesn't look like much, I guess you just need to be there in person.
Also, the big pine tree in front does have lights on it, but they aren't working at the moment.

This our new nativity scene that we got this year... yeah, bought it for 3 bucks at the D.I. !!
Green tree....

Reindeer and sleigh....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 98, *SNOW*... and Cameron's Christmas tree!

  Today, everyone woke up to about 4 inches of snow! It was literally out of the blue! I know the weather forecasters said it was going to happen, but we didn't know that it actually would be lots of snow! It snowed most of the day today. It might have been about 6-7 inches of snow all together.
  After church, Jenna and I decided that we wanted to shovel the side walks together. Jenna LOVES to play in the snow, it is one of her up most favorite things to do. She jump, slides, and runs through the snow! I love watching her play, it is so cute!

Jenna running in the snow!

I love how her tongue sticks out!

Me in the snow!

She was getting a little restless because I kept telling her to sit, so I could take her picture.
Me:  " Sit Jenna... sit.."
Jenna: "UGH!... I just want to play!"

  Later today, Cameron started to decorate the little Christmas tree in the Grandma room. He did it all himself, and he loved it!

This is him putting some ornaments on the tree.

Him and the tree together...

This is the outcome... didn't he do such a great job!??

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 97, ................

....... I didn't make Hairspray......

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 96, Black Friday.... and...putting up the Christmas tree!

  Today Sara and I went Black Friday shopping. I slept over and Scott and Sara's, and then we woke up at 3am. We first went to Kohls, and then we headed over to Target. Target didn't open until 4am, so we had to wait a few minutes. The line to get in the store reached all the way around the store. No joke. All the way around. It took about 30 minutes to get everybody in. Sara got everything that she wanted to get, so it all was worth it! Plus..... Sara found a way so we didn't have to wait in the long line to pay for everything..... Lets just say the lady at the service counter is a little stupid.... haha... Yeah, we were out of the store within an hour!
Just part of the madness at Target.

   Later tonight, the family went and picked out a Christmas tree. We always get a real tree every year. Which I love! anyway.... So I put the lights on it, and it looks so cool! I love it!!

The tree with the lights on...
It still need ornaments.

Tree with the lights off.

This is the star that my family got to have from my Grandma Marie's house after we cleaned it out. I love it, and I'm so happy we get to have it on our tree this year in memory of her.
I miss you Grandma!!

Me and the tree!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


  Today I woke up to the wonderful smells of Thanksgiving!!
  Things I am thankful for....

~ Family
~ Friends
~ Education
~ America and Freedom
~ My House
~ Food ;)
~ Animals
~ My nice warm bed
~ The community I live in
~ Warmth
~ Transportation
~ My Health
~ And many many more!

  I just wanted to Thank everyone in my life, and that I am so thankful for all of you! Thanks for all my friends for being there for me, and thanks for my family for caring for me, helping me, and loving me! I couldn't do it without you guys!

Pop getting ready to carve the turkey!!

Uncle B, and Cameron

The best Thanksgiving you will ever eat!
Thanks to my mom...

I taught Cameron how to put Olives on his fingers!




Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 94, Oh the weather outside is frightful!!

 Although the blizzard yesterday wasn't as big as we thought or wanted it to be, it still snowed a lot! I think it is safe to say that winter is here! It was around 14 degrees outside today, it was FREEZING!! Cameron came over today, and he looked so cute in all his winter gear! I love the snow!!

Let it snow, let is snow, let it SNOW!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 93, BLIZZARD!!

  Over the past week, the weather forecasters have told us to start preparing for a Blizzard that hits tonight! They said it was supposed to start around 4 or 5, and last through out the night! School almost got canceled, it sounds like it's going to be a big one!! Hope everybody stays safe!!

I'm ready for the Blizzard!
Are you??

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 92, .....audition.....

  I kinda forgot to tell you all that I auditioned for "Hairspray" the musical on Saturday. I think it went pretty well. I really hope I get in, but lets not get our hopes up. I love the musical "Hairspray" although it's not my favorite musical, it earns its very close to the top! I think it would be the coolest musical to be in, there is just so much dancing, and fun songs. It would be a BLAST! So, wish me luck, and I'll tell you how it went later! :D

Sunday, November 21, 2010


  I'm so freakin' happy it's finally Thanksgiving week! I only haave two days of school this week, and then I have the rest of the week off. I get to stuff my face all day on Thursday, and max to relax the rest of the week. I LOVE THANKSGIVING!! It also means that the Christmas season is fianly upon us! I might even go get the family Christmas tree on Saturday! I hope everyone has a wonderfull Thanksgiving week! :D

Look how Happy I am!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 90, Making dinner!

  Since Sarah's sister Alyssa came down over the weekend, I made dinner for them. I made...again... the Chicken Pot Pie. It was so good! :D After, we went up to Sarah's house, and made desert. We mad a giant cookie, and then put ice cream, and hot fudge on top. IT WAS AWESOME! :D :D

She loves her veggies!

