Today I was in my Seminary class, and we were talking about Service. My teacher shared an awesome story to the class, and I want to share it with you.
This Woman around her mid. 40s stoped at a stop light, awaiting for the light to turn green again so she could get back to her busy day. It was the middle of winter, and ice and snow was everywhere. The stop light wasn't to far from a Jr. High School, and the school day had just ended. Teenagers were jamming the roads and the side walks. She notice this youngman in a wheelchair slowly moving down the side walk, and trying to lead his way through all the snow and ice. Boys and Girls would pass this young man, some not caring to give him a second look, and others kicking slush into his wheels. Anger raced into her mind, she hated these selfish teens. Then the young man in the wheel chair got stuck trying to get over a inbankment of snow. He was trying to cross the street, and the woman knew that the young man wouldn't make it across at this green light or the next. These two girls started to walk towards him to cross the street as well. They walked passes him and his stuck wheel chair. The two girls were in deep conversation, when one of the girls stoped suddenly, like something told her to go back. She went back to help the young man. It took her several times, she finaly pushed her way through the snow, and helped him to the other side of the cross walk. The Woman in the car suddenly started to cry, and she felt that she needed to give more service to people in her life.
I thought this was an awesome story, and I want to start helping people too. I think we all should. It would make the world a better place.
So go out and help someone in need. It doesn't have to be a big act of service, maybe just a smile, or a smiple hello.
You never know what can make someone's day.
~ Rob