On Saturday, my dad and I went out to breakfast. We were sitting in our booth for two, when I asked him "what he was getting Mom for Valentines Day." He told me that he got her some flowers. Now knowing that he has gotten her flowers in the past ( well almost every Valentines day ) and knowing it he didn't get the usual 12 or more flowers, he just usually got one or two roses with those stupid little white flowers on the side. I asked him, " Is that all that you got her?" What he told me next didn't shock me much. " no. " Ok... Ok... I know the guy just turned like 57 or something, so he has had lots of Valentines Days in his life. But come on! Flowers??? Really?? Even I could do better then that, and I'm only 16.
So I looked at him, and I said... " Dad, you need my help! " I told him to tell my Mom that he was going to take her on a date to dinner tonight at 7 PM and that I would do the rest! ( Whitch he didn't tell her by the way, so my little nephew and neaice came over to be tended, but it all worked out)
I went to Playlist.com and added all the love songs I could think of, I went to to Dollar store and bought some candels, and made a Spagetii and Meatball dinner for two! I decorated their room, and it was so romantic. My friend and I waitered them as they ate and talked for hours. It was great. At the end, my nephew and neaice frosted some heart shaped sugar cookies for their desert. It was great!
I hope by now my Dad understand what Valentines Day is. Yes, flowers are very thoughtfull, and nice. But it needs more to it. I just need to help him sometimes I guess ;) Lets hope he learned his lesson, if not there is always next year!
Happy Valentines Day!/strong>
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