Wow... Today has been such a LONG ..FUN filled day! In the morning, my family and I went down to Wheeler Farm. It was so fun to see all the animals, and Cameron was in heaven!

Cameron really liked the horses...

Look what I found!
After we got back, I took the dogs out to farmington pond. My friend Alec came with me. It was so much fun! MY DOGS LOVE TO SWIM!

I through the ball into the water and Jenna goes out and gets it.. It's so cute, and she is an great swimmer.

Alec found a raft on the side of the pond to keep him busy.

Grace didn't want to go fetch the ball, but she would go get sticks! This is Grace coming back with two sticks in her mouth because I threw one, and Alec threw one also... yeah, she got both of them!
Also, tonight was closing night of ANNIE!
It's sad but good also... kinda bitter sweet.

These are the Annie's... they did such a great job!

All the orphans at the cast party!

Jessie Clark Funk and I... she is amazing!

This is me and my love!
HAHA.. I love this dog so freakin' much, and I think I will miss her the most!
I can't believe that Annie is over. I had such a great time! I'm so glad that I tried out, and was able to be in the musical, and meet such wonderful people! Thanks to all the cast and crew for all their help!
.......and that's my day.....
now I shall sleep.
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