So it turns out the my Grandpa was in town over the weekend. So my family and I went to go say hi to him up at my Aunt and Uncle's house. It's always fun to go to their house and visit.

Someone gave Cameron a squirt gun. He loved it, and he went around the yard squirting everyone in sight.

My cousin Emily got engaged today, and this is her and her family breaking open a box she made in young woman's.... the box holds all the stuff for her dream wedding. It was fun to watch her open it.

Lets see.... If Cameron is my nephew, and Sidney (the girl in the picture) is my cousins daughter... what would that make her and Cameron? ... like 2nd cousins or something?? I don't know.. anyway.
This is them playing ball, they played so cute with each other.

Ahh.. Baby Ali.

HAHA.. my silly Grandpa and his new puzzle he got for his birthday.. haha..
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