One of my favorite activities to do in the summer time with my dogs is to go hiking. I think they love it more then me, which is saying a lot, because I love it so much. They are such great dogs.

I almost lost Grace today. It was really scary. Grace loves water, and when she sees water, then there is no stopping her, she is going to play in it no matter what. Well, on our hike today, we passed a river. Now many of you know that Utah's rivers are very high and fast right now due to all the rain and melting snow. Grace got in the water, and literally couldn't move. I was scared and she was scared. One wrong move and she would have won one free pass to the Ocean. But it all turned out ok, and she just jumped out, and never went back it... poor thing. I think both our hearts were racing.

I loved how green the trail was today. Again, due to all the rain. It was so pretty, and it makes great pictures. If only my dogs would hold still so I could get a good picture of them.

I love the mountains of Utah, I'm so grateful they are literally right in my back yard. They are awesome!
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