When I go to Chicago later this week, my Sister is going to be taking care of my dogs. My dogs will be spending a week at their house, and to be honest, I'm terrified! I know that my Sister and her husband will do their best at keeping them safe, but..... Jenna likes to jump fences, and the dog pen they are staying in...is well.... rusted. It could break at any minute, and I'm not sure that it can hold two dogs inside for an entire week. I'm just so scared that something will happen to them! So to help me get over my fears, my Sister and her two kids (my niece Lauren and my nephew Aaron) came over to spend the day with me and my dogs so that they can get use to the fact that they are going to be spending a week with them!

The dogs love to play in this small waterfall at the park.

We went to the park, and hiked on a little trail. The kids did such a wonderful job with the dogs, and the dogs actually love them a lot! So today really made me feel a lot better. Now I have a little more breathing room. But I'm still kinda scared.

We saw this huge snake on our hike! The dogs walked right in front of it. At first it wouldn't move, so we had to wait a few minutes before we could start walking again. It was actually really cool.
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