Today was the Centerville city 4th of July parade. Normal it's on the actual 4th of July, but for some reason it was today. I would have rather it be on the actual 4th of July, but it still was way fun! I love the 4th of July, it's my 2nd favorite holiday.
The parade starts at 9 AM, and the best thing is, the parade rout is right down the street from my house! So we can just walk down, and not have to worry about parking.

This is the helicopter that flew over the parade rout. Normally they have jets fly by, but they didn't have them this year, so that was kinda disappointing. But the helicopter was cool because it was really low. It look like it was going to hit the telephone wires it was so low!!

Don't you just love them bagpipes!?

How in the world do you get into this car?

Cameron LOVES to catch all the candy that the people throw in the parade! He had tons of candy after the parade was done, we couldn't even carry it all home! It was so funny. I told him that we need to wait until after lunch to eat the candy, and he said back to me... "This is my lunch Uncle 'Obby"... HAHA.. so cute.

This float was my Stakes float. Its a bunch of bears doing chores around the house, and the theme is... Saturday is the we get ready for Sunday...

After the parade, the family went to eat at the Pizza factory. It was a really good 4th... well 2nd of July. We were going to go watch fireworks up at Eaglewood, but it was so packed that we left, and went and did our own fireworks. It was really fun!

Also, It's been one year today since my Grandma died. We miss her so bad. I can't believe that it's been a year. It feels like yesturday. I was definatly thinking of her today. I love you Grandma!
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