My favorite thing to do as a kid in the summer was to play night games. Night games is where everyone in the neighbor hood and their friends come together, and play games at night.
Some of the games are..
Kick the can.
Kick the can is where one person is it, and everyone else hides. The person who is it tries to catch or find the others, and the others who are hiding try to kick the can in the middle of the street before getting caught. When you kick the can, then the people who have been caught are now free, and can hide again.
Ghost in the graveyard.
The way you play ghost in the graveyard is one person hides, and the rest are looking for that person. Once someone finds him/her they yell "Ghost in the grave yard!" and run back and get into the pose they started out in. Then the person who was hiding runs out, and tries to tag someone. If you are tagged, you can either hide with the person, or just trade places with him.
But my favorite night games is...
Fugitive is a game you play with a bunch of people. Also you need a car or two. You start off at Point A, and you try to get to Point B. It doesn't matter how far apart Point A and B are, but the farther apart the better. You try to get to your destination without being caught by the people in the car who are looking for you. If you're caught, you get in the car and look for the others. The first one to make it to the destination or the last one to be caught wins. It's super fun.
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