Lauren and Aaron have been asking to go to the park with the dogs, and also Aaron has been asking my mom to take him to the beach. So we killed to birds with one stone here. We took the kids to the pond today with the dogs. The pond is the closest thing to the beach here in Utah... so it works.

Here is Lauren in getting into the water! She loved it!

Aaron LOVED to play with the boats, but once he started throwing them into the water...the dogs took them and chewed them up... Good thing we got them from the dollar store.

Lauren actually swung on the rope swing! I can't believe it, I can barley swing on it!

The funniest thing happened!
My mom wanted to try the rope swing, and being the protective son that I am said that she shouldn't do it. But she said she really wanted to try it... so I said ok.
Little do you know, the branch she was standing on while holding onto the rope ready to go snapped. So she lost her footing... and the rope dragged her into the water.
No don't get me wrong, If she really was hurt, I wouldn't be laughing, but she was laughing too, so all is well!
I hate to say, I told you so... HAHAHA

There goes Grace to fetch her toy in the water. I can't believe how much of a water dog she is.

I love to take the dogs to the pond, and they love it too!
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