Well folks. It's Christmas time. The best time of the year! I love this time of year. :)
This year, Jaynee and I cut out dozens of paper snowflakes, and hung them from the ceiling. So fun!
This December, I got the opportunity to work at City Creek Center with Santa Clause. It was very fun. I made lots of new friends, and the best part, earned some great money. It was fun to work at the mall, and listen to Christmas music all day long. It got cold a lot though since we worked outside. But it was still lots of fun.
Jayne got me this AWESOME Mickey Mouse snuggie for Christmas. Isn't it so cool?! I got to open it for Christmas eve and sleep with it that night. It is so warm. I love it. Thanks Jaynee!
Last year during the wind storm our favorite tree blew down, the Santa Clause tree. We were all so sad, because it was our family tradition to go see this tree on Christmas eve night. But to our surprise, a new baby tree was planted in its place this year, and decorated just like the old one. We loved it! It made the family so happy. So glad to have a new Santa Clause tree.
Eating lunch with the guys on Christmas day. Not better place for lunch than McDonald's!
I hope you guys had a great holiday season! I know I did!
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