Can I just tell you.. that you need to see this movie...

Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
My friend Alec told me about this book "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".. and said that they are making a movie about it.. (FYI, this was last year.) so he told me about the book, and how he read it in class, and how funny it was... To be honest, it sounded really stupid to me.. he dragged me to the movie, and it was HILARIOUS!
I loved the movie so much, that I went out and bought it the day it came out on DVD!
The movie reminds me of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite".. but instead of High School as the setting, it's Jr. High...
So, the main character (Greg) is starting Jr. High.. he has all these plans of how he is going to become popular, and cool in Jr. High... but things don't go as planned. There is something new at every corner that brings him down the popularity chain. But his best friend (Rowley) is starting to move up the chain...
This is his friend Rowley... when I think back to when I was in Jr. High, and I watch the movie.. Rowley is totally me! It's like they stocked me during Jr. High, and then made Rowley's character after me. ITS SO FUNNY.. and whats scary is that the actors name who plays Rowley is Robert also.. freaky...
Anyway... You should defiantly go see this movie if you want a good laugh!
It pretty much just makes fun of Jr. High, and how pointless it is... everyone can relate!
It pretty much just makes fun of Jr. High, and how pointless it is... everyone can relate!
Also, they are coming out with a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2"!!!
I can't wait to see it! It looks so funny!
Go see it!
seriouly this story is like my life lol :)