Yeah, I went to Build a Bear... and made a bear.
So what... I still can make one... right?...I'm still a KID!
I loved going to Build a Bear when I was a kid, and thought it would be fun to make a bear.. even though I'm almost 18 years old.. :P
But hey, I still can make a bear, there isn't any law saying I can't!

Bailey made a bear also... she made a wolf bear!

Us and our bears, I made a little Panda bear, his name is Pandy...

Later that night, Scott, Sara, Cameron, Brian, my dad and I went to BOONDOCKS!

Cameron loves Boondocks, and it is the funniest thing to see him run around to all the little games, play the game, and his parents collect his tickets, and then he moves to the next game. SO CUTE!!

He loves any game that has a ball involved with it... Basketball...Baseball... Football... you name it..
The funniest is when he plays the ball game with the heavy balls... (like in the picture) You are suppose to roll the ball up the ramp, but he just chucks them, and they bang on the surface! HAHA.. you think its going to break or bounce out and hit someone!!!

That's right, I got the Jack Pot.. on my 2nd try.. 400 tickets! Yeah.. I'm good like that!

Brian loves to play the games that involve an airplane or something around those lines and Cameron loves to play or watch Brian play those games..since one game was a two player game like that.... They played one together..
hey i wish i could have gone... tear tear... lol but those look soo cute. i really love boondocks too