Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 267, Mondays?.....

What is it about Mondays that everyone hates? Is it because the party of the weekend is over? Is it because after sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday now it's time to wake up early? It's the day we go back to school... or work... Why does everyone hate Mondays?? When it's Monday morning, does it seem like eternity until Friday?

When it comes to me, I hate Mondays. But I don't understand why... The best answer I can come up with is... I hate it because everyone else hates it. But why hate Mondays? What is truly to hate? I mean... It's a new week, a new start.... don't you think we should start over, and make this week better than the last? Do something different.. make your week forth while... drink a Mountain Dew on Monday mornings to keep you going if you need to... Make plans... Smile... Laugh... Live your life.. Turn that frown upside down, and look at the bigger prospective.. breath.
Don't get me wrong... Saturday is still my favorite day of the week.
It's just... Monday and I have somethings to work out between us...

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