Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 268, Grey's Anatomy

  Thanks to my friend Sarah, I have found a new favorite TV show. It's been around for a while now, but I haven't really ever watched an episode until now. It's Grey's Anatomy!! .. I HAVE SO MANY TV SHOWs THAT I ENJOY!! Sarah loves the show, and we started watching the first season.... and to be honest... SHE GOT ME HOOKED.. it's weird, you actually crave the show. If I'm not watching the show, I'm talking about it, if I'm not talking about it, I'm thinking about it... hahahaha... well that was just a litte exaggerated.... but I still really really enjoy the show. Each episode is so intense, and then it just leaves you hanging for more. I can't believe that it took me this long to finally start watching this show! There are so many shows that I love, and need to start watching... its insane!

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