My friend Rachel asked me on a date the other day, and tonight was the night of the date. It was so much fun. It was all the Young men and Young women of Rachel's ward, and they got to ask someone on a date for a "Date Night".. We had dinner, played night games, and played some other games.. It was so much fun, the best night I've had in a long time I must say...
It actually got me thinking that school is almost out, and I won't hang out with some of these people ever again... it was fun to hang out with them... I kind of regret not going to more parties during High School, and just hanging out... maybe I'll do more of that in College.

This is Rachel and me. :) I'm so glad to have a friend like her... THANKS RACHEL!

Daniel and I had the same shirt on... just a little embarrassing... :S
One of the games we played was this weird marshmallow game... we had to put 3 marshmallows in our mouths, and say a tongue twister. It was so funny to watch.. I didn't do it, but it was still fun to watch..

Oh Chase, you are such a funny guy!

Rachel saying her tongue twister... HAHA..

Chase asked Sarah to the date... and this is Sarah playing the marshmallow game.
Tonight was so much fun!
Thanks again Rachel!!
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