The city Centerville that I live in has a Kid parade for the 4th of July. It's a small parade that any kid who wants to be in it can be. They ride their bike, wagons, scooters and more down the streets of Centerville to the park, where after we watch a concert, and fireworks. This year Cameron and his friend Porter are going to be in it. So tonight, Cameron and his friend decorated a wagon that they will be riding in together, and after my family and I had a small picnic on the side of Scott and Sara's apartment.

Cameron is super excited to be in the parade, and for the 4th of July.

Sara and Scott made a really good dinner for us, and it was so much fun just to sit and relax on the blanket, and talk.. and get excited for the 4th of July this weekend!

Cute little Ali.
So tune in tomorrow to see what Cameron's wagon looks like. It's so cute, and we are all ready for the parade tomorrow night!
Parads are really long. Expecially the ones we have in centerville. It is fun, if you are in the shade though. Your little neice is sooo cute!