Never Give up.
By, Rob Talbot
I want to start off today by congratulating each and everyone of you. You all have done such a great job, and you've made it. It's been a long journey, but it was worth it. Sometimes it was tough, but we didn't give up, we kept going. This is what I want to talk about today, not giving up.
"If you can dream it, you can do it." This quote was said by Walt Disney. When Walt Disney was a child, he struggled in school, and had many learning disabilities; he even had one of his teachers tell him that he would never be successful in life. Through his school years he spent his class time doodling different animals, and gave them names such as Mickey, Minnie and Donald Duck. He had the hardest time in school, but he never gave up, and he eventually graduated. Later in life, Walt came up with an idea to build an amusement park in the middle of nowhere in Anaheim California. Many of his friends, and even his family members made fun of him, saying he was just wasting his time, money, and a good piece of land. They thought no one would ever come to an amusement park with an over grown mouse as it's mascot, and little kid rides. But he kept pushing forward. He finally opened his amusement park in 1955, and twenty eight thousand people entered the park that day. It was a huge success. We all know and love it today as the American icon: Disneyland. Walt never gave ups, he didn't let what others say about him and his dreams get in the way. He knew what he wanted, and worked hard to make it come true.
"Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength" This is one of my favorite quotes. When I was in 10th grade, I failed a few classes. I knew that I needed to make those classes up with packets, but I was stupid, and kept putting it off until my senior year. I had 12 packets to make up, including 2 online classes. Graduating seemed like an impossible dream. I wanted to give up. I didn't know how I was going to do it all. My friends often made fun of me for it, and my siblings if we ever got into a fight. "At least I graduated!" they would say, and I felt devastated. After a while I let it get to me. I was afraid I wouldn't graduate. But I didn't give up! I started working hard, and I pushed forward. I finally finished all my packets and online classes were finished early, and now I'm graduating.
So after tomorrow, graduation will be over, and we won't be seniors anymore. We will just be regular adults with different dreams and aspirations. But we'll be better prepared because of what we've learned at Viewmont High School. Go out and fulfill those dreams. Don't listen to people who tell you that you can't do something, even if that person is you. You need to believe in yourself. Just do it, and never give up! "Work hard at work worth doing" I hope you all can go out in the world and become who you want to be and more.
Thank you.
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