Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 284, GRADUATION!!!

It's here. Graduation. IT'S FINALLY HERE! I can't believe it. It literally hasn't hit me yet. After 12 long years, It's actually over. I can't believe my eyes.. AHHH...........

My Graduation was at the Dee Events Center in Ogden, and it started at 7:30pm.. I was so nervous!

I should be honest, I went into Graduation thinking that it was going to be this long 2 hour snore fest, but it actually went by really quick, and the people who spoke did great!

Now that I'm Graduated, I know everyone is going to ask me that annoying question.. "What are you going to do next".. I'm going to tell you guys once, and you better listen. ;) First, I'm going to enjoy my last summer. When I say last, I mean for being free.. no job... and no school..which by the way I will still be blogging everyday all summer! SO KEEP READING! Then later in the fall, I'm going to find a job, earn and save money, and maybe audition for another musical. Then after Christmas, I think I'm going to try to go to either Salt Lake Community College, or else Weber. That's all I have planned, no more questions! HAHA... and no, I don't know what I want to do career wise yet.

Here is my family and I after Graduation. My brother Scott was there with his son Cameron, but he left early so that he could get the little boy home, and not have to wait in traffic. I'm happy he came! :) I love my family so much, and I couldn't have done it with out them!!  I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!

My mom is the motivation in my life, and she helped me so much with all my packets I had to make up, and she was with me ever step of the way! Thanks mom!

My Dad supports me in everything I do, and he is so awesome! He also helped me with all of my work. Thanks Dad!

Oh dear... This picture still cracks me up!! HAHA.. I just can't get over Stephens face! Classic. Just classic.

Sarah and me! :)

Well guys... I'M GRADUATED! And you (readers) were with me literally everyday! Thanks for everyone, especially Ms. Fred at Viewmont High School! She was my Base Camp teacher (along with my Creative Writing teacher) .. she was the teacher that helped me with my packets, and pushed me forward. I most likely wouldn't be graduating if it wasn't for her! THANKS FRED DAWG!

Now it's time for the all night party!!

P.S. I didn't trip on the stage.

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