I can't beleve today is the last day of the blog! That year went by so fast!!
In celebration of the last day, Sarah and I went to the pond for the last time. Sarah's brothers Mike and Jack tagged along.

When we got there, we were some what sad.. because the started draining the water for the winter... Or something.. We don't know what they were actually doing, but all we know is that the water was really low, and the river was blocked off so no water was coming in. luckily, it was still deep enough to jump off the dock.

Look how low. Even the ducks don't know what to do.

Last time jumping of the dock this year..

Here I go!

I was to afraid to go off the swing since the water was so low, but it didn't stop Mike!

That's a LONG drop!

Sarah tried it too..

Instead of swimming, we built a dam. For some reason, I love to build dams.

Nice day for a mud bath..

Oh Jack, playing in the mud.

After we played at the pond one last time, we went and saw the movie Thor.. again.
Today was really fun, and it was a great way to end the blog!
WOOT 365 DAYS!!!
What a year it has been!!
this looks like so much fun! I want walter to go swimming!!!!!