Cameron loves to make home made pizzas, and hey.. who can blame him. THEY ARE SUPER GOOD!! That's whats for dinner tonight folks.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day 189, Happy Birthday Sara part 2..
Tonight, we celebrated Sara's Birthday as a family..
Cameron loves to help blow out the candles!
So cute..
"Happy Birthday to you!"- Cameron..
This cake is the best cake you ever did taste!
It's Costco cake!
Cameron liked it too..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA!!Hope you had a good one!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 188, Happy Birthday Jessica!
Yesterday was my friend Jessica's Birthday, but we had a friend party for her tonight. It's really weird that my friends and I are turning 18 this year, and we are all becoming adults, and finding our place in this world.
For her party, I made a cake. It was actually really good, I was surprised.
First, we opened presents.
I got her a Justin Bieber poster....
and also a Lava lamp....
Tonight was really fun, we watched Paranormal Activity 1 and 2... which I must say... they are scary.. I was so scared while I was driving home.. haha... talk about being 18 right! But, again, tonight was really fun!
For her party, I made a cake. It was actually really good, I was surprised.
Tonight was really fun, we watched Paranormal Activity 1 and 2... which I must say... they are scary.. I was so scared while I was driving home.. haha... talk about being 18 right! But, again, tonight was really fun!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 187, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA..... and hanging with Kaily.
Today is my Sister Inlaw Sara's Birthday!
I hope she had a wonderful day, and likes her presents!
We are going to do more Birthday stuff on sunday, so stay tuned!!
Kaily and I origanaly were going to go surfing today, but since it snowed, we couldn't :P
So instead, we just hung out, and watched a movie! I really needed to hang with a great friend this week, and Kaily did an awesome job!
Thanks Kaily!
Love ya :D
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 186, Emmett Till....
Today in my US Government class, we learned about Emmett Till. After I learned about him, I was shocked that know one really know, or has heard about him, and actually it makes me a little mad.
This is his story...
In the 1950s segregation was a big part of the U.S. In Mississippi, it was really bad! Colored men couldn't even walk on the same sidewalk as a white woman, let alone look at her. But, in Chicago, it wasn't as bad. They were some what accepted in the community, but there were separated, separate bathrooms, drinking fountains, stores, etc.
Emmett Till was a 14 year old black boy. He was full of humor, and happiness. The summer that he turned 14, he took a trip to Mississippi, which is where his mother was from. His mother told him about the people in Mississippi, and what they thought towards colored people. She told him the rules, and told him to obey.
Emmett soon waved goodbye to his mother, and entered the train for the long trip to Mississippi. During his first two weeks of his vacation, him and his friends work, and played. But one day, after working in the morning, Emmett and his friends went to a local candy shop. Emmett bought some bubble gum, and as he was walking out of the store, he whistled a little toon. The white woman who owned the store thought that he was whistling to her, which wasn't true. She was so mad, and she told her husband.
Her husband was so mad that he got his brother, and together in the middle of the night, the kidnapped Emmett. They later beat him really really bad, then shot him in the head. They took the body to a local river, and tied barbed wire around his neck with a cinder block, and pushed him in.
People didn't know where he was for weeks, but they knew something bad had happened. After a few days, a fisherman found his body floating down the river.
Emmett's body was so beaten up, that they couldn't tell it was him. They only way they did know it was him was because of the ring he was wearing, which was his fathers.
To make a long story short, his mom was so upset, and she wanted change. She had his body on display for 3 days for everyone to see, they said that 1 out of 5 people would faint at the sight of his body because they were so shocked.
The men who killed young Emmett didn't face any jail time, and they walked away from the trial free men.
It makes me SO sick that this happened! I can't believe people thought like that, and some even still do! I wish I could go back in time, and stand up, and do something about it, teach someone a lesson!
This is his story...
In the 1950s segregation was a big part of the U.S. In Mississippi, it was really bad! Colored men couldn't even walk on the same sidewalk as a white woman, let alone look at her. But, in Chicago, it wasn't as bad. They were some what accepted in the community, but there were separated, separate bathrooms, drinking fountains, stores, etc.
Emmett Till
Emmett Till was a 14 year old black boy. He was full of humor, and happiness. The summer that he turned 14, he took a trip to Mississippi, which is where his mother was from. His mother told him about the people in Mississippi, and what they thought towards colored people. She told him the rules, and told him to obey.
Emmett soon waved goodbye to his mother, and entered the train for the long trip to Mississippi. During his first two weeks of his vacation, him and his friends work, and played. But one day, after working in the morning, Emmett and his friends went to a local candy shop. Emmett bought some bubble gum, and as he was walking out of the store, he whistled a little toon. The white woman who owned the store thought that he was whistling to her, which wasn't true. She was so mad, and she told her husband.
Her husband was so mad that he got his brother, and together in the middle of the night, the kidnapped Emmett. They later beat him really really bad, then shot him in the head. They took the body to a local river, and tied barbed wire around his neck with a cinder block, and pushed him in.
People didn't know where he was for weeks, but they knew something bad had happened. After a few days, a fisherman found his body floating down the river.
Emmett's body after the murder.
Emmett's body was so beaten up, that they couldn't tell it was him. They only way they did know it was him was because of the ring he was wearing, which was his fathers.
To make a long story short, his mom was so upset, and she wanted change. She had his body on display for 3 days for everyone to see, they said that 1 out of 5 people would faint at the sight of his body because they were so shocked.
The men who killed young Emmett didn't face any jail time, and they walked away from the trial free men.
It makes me SO sick that this happened! I can't believe people thought like that, and some even still do! I wish I could go back in time, and stand up, and do something about it, teach someone a lesson!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 185, Doggy Date!
Today, Jaynee Jessica and I took our dogs to the park to play with each other, and Bailey tagged along.
Jenna couldn't come today, because she is having some girl problems, and can't be exposed to male dogs..
But Grace loved it!
Jaynee's dogs name is Walter, and Jessica's dogs name is Boomer.
Walter and Boomer..
Oh, she is so cute!
The girls, as they watch their kids play!
Walter and Grace...
Grace as she was running away!
HAHA.. silly pup!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 182, Utah..
People may think that Utah isn't a fun place to visit or to live, but... I think they are wrong.
I love Utah, and I always will!
Here are some fun thinks that I like to do in Utah, and this is why I love it so much!
Utah is know for its snow, and we have great Ski resorts. Its fun to go up and ski for the day with your family and friends! Even if you don't know how to ski, you can always learn... or you can try snow boarding. The point is, that Utah is filled with tons of Ski resorts.
One of the things I love about Utah is our mountains. I don't know if I could live in a place without them. It's fun to go hiking or biking up in the mountains, and just to explore. They also are very nice to look at.
(FYI, This picture is of a cliff up from my house, with a flag at the edge.)
Lagoon is a really cool theme park located in Farmington Utah. I have spent many hours at Lagoon, and have many fun filled memories. I will always enjoy going to Lagoon!
Raging Waters.
Raging waters is one of the coolest water parks in Utah. It has so many fun water slides to go on, a wave pool, a lazy river, and more. I love to go to Raging Waters on a hot summer day, I love how cold the water is also. IT'S FREEZING! But it feels so good when it's super hot!
Boondocks is a family fun center filled with lazzer tag, bumper boats, go carts, and and arcade. This place is super fun, and it also doesn't cost that much. Plus it's open all year round!
National Parks.
Utah has some of the worlds famous and most beautiful national parks. I want to visit them all one day. They are really fun to go spend a day or a weekend at, and just spend time with your family. :)
Utah has some great Performing Arts Theaters such as Tuacahn, Hale Center, and the new Center Point Legacy Theater just down the street from my house! You can go and watch a musical or play at any of these theaters. All three of them do out standing jobs, and they are very fun to watch!
So these are just a few things you can do in Utah to have fun!
Go try it out!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Today, Bailey, Jessica, Jaynee, and I went to the Justin Beiber movie Never Say Never, and I must say it actually was really good. I don't understand why people don't like him. I mean, yes I don't like much of his music, but he is still really talented, and he has a great life story. I have a greater respect for him now after watching that movie, and I think he is a really cool guy.
Here are some pictures we took after the movie.. with our 3D glasses!
I love this picture!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 180, Quotes!
Here are some of my favorite quotes...
~Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today~
~ Dreams are like stars.. you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny~
~ Even if I don't reach all my goals, I've gone higher than I would have if I hadn't set any~
~“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams."~
I like to read quotes, and I find them very motivating, and they help me move forward during the hard times.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 179, And they're off...
So.... Scott, Sara, and Cameron left for Disneyland today.. And yes, they left me.
I wanted to go so so so so so freakin' bad, but... we couldn't. I hope They have fun, and I can't believe I have to miss Cameron's first time at Disneyland, but hopefully we will go together someday, and someday soon!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 178, Love movies. LITERALLY!
So... Knowing that it is Valentine's week, and that I love movies..
I thought I would share with one of my favorite love movies...or chick flicks
as some call them.. so here it is..
The Notebook.
I just got to say, that I LOVE "The Notebook".. Its just such a great movie. I mean seriously. The kissing in the rain, the laying/dancing in the street... so good. WONDERFUL! Plus... Rachel Mcadams is Amazing, and always looks so good! MMMM..
So that's my chick flick movie that I love, and will never get tired of!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 177, I MADE ANNIE!
So, I made Annie, and I am so excited. I play the part of Mr. Bundles the laundry man. HAHA.. I know kinda weird, but hey, its a part, and I'm in the musical. I am so happy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 176, Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you all had a great and loving Valentine's Day.
To all my family and friends,
I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH, and thanks for always being there for me.
I wouldn't be who I am today with out you guys.
HAHA.. Sarah gave me a HUGE Chocolate kiss...
I love you ALL!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 175, CrAzY!!
I was watching the Gramys tonight, and I noticed all the weird, wacky, and crazy outfits all the Celebrities had... then I wondered what will people remember of our generations fashion? Every generation has a fashion that everyone remembers... for example.... The 50s with the poodle skirts, and the leather jackets..or... the 70s with tie-dyed shirts...
But what is the fashion of our generation? What will they remember? Will it be all the weird and crazy things that our Celebrities wear? Here are some examples of the fashion now a days...

But what is the fashion of our generation? What will they remember? Will it be all the weird and crazy things that our Celebrities wear? Here are some examples of the fashion now a days...

Lady Gaga
Black eyed peas
And Ketty Perry.
Well... if you ask me, I like the weird and crazy outfits, I think its fun and new... but some don't like it..
What do you think?
What do you think?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 174, Valentines Day Dance!
My friend Hillary asked me to the Christmas dance, but since I was going to be in Texas during the time of the dance, I had to say no... but I asked her to the Valentines Day Dance instead.
Tonight was the dance, and it was so much fun! It had a 50' theme. At first we didn't have a group, but later we met up with a few friends and they joined our group.
Hillary and I had dinner at my house. It was so good, and it was fun to talk and to catch up.
So, after the dance, we decided that we wanted to drive around for a while, so we did. We went to this awesome point on the mountain with a view of the entire city! It was so beautiful... after that, we drove a little more.... I decided to not waste gas, so we parked at a local park to talk... after about five minutes or so, we see Police lights entering the parking lot, and then the spot light shined on the car... as the Officer slowly walked up to the window, we all FREAKED out!! HAHA... It turns out that the park closed at 10, and he told us to leave... HAHA... So FUNNY!
Since we still wanted to hang out, but didn't want to waste gas, we went to Walmart to walk around. Which was also fun, but all that walking made us even more tired... so after that we left.. and that ended our night.
Tonight was the dance, and it was so much fun! It had a 50' theme. At first we didn't have a group, but later we met up with a few friends and they joined our group.
Hillary and I had dinner at my house. It was so good, and it was fun to talk and to catch up.
This was our dinner setting...
After dinner, we went to the dance, and we danced our little hearts away. It was so fun, and the 50s theme was perfect! They even had a soda bar, with Root Beer floats, and other pops. They played a few 50s stiled songs. It was a very fun dance!This is Hillary and me before we left for the dace! Isn't her dress just awesome?!!?
While were were at the dance, we found Jaynee and her date Mike. They also didn't have a group, so they joined us. It was so much fun!
Since we still wanted to hang out, but didn't want to waste gas, we went to Walmart to walk around. Which was also fun, but all that walking made us even more tired... so after that we left.. and that ended our night.
All in all, it was a very fun filled night loaded with lots of laughter!
Thanks Hillary for going with me, I had a blast!
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