Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 232, Big Buddha!

  Today, I was on T.V. , Yeah, I know, I'm famous!...HAHAH..Not. Anyway, Big Buddha from channel 13 news came and filmed some video segments of ANNIE to help promote the show. It was really fun to be on TV, and to be seen all around the state. But it was kind of ridiculous also. I woke up at 5:15AM to go to the theater, and I had to be there at 6AM. Once I got there, we got into costume, and got ready. They made a list of people who needed to be there that morning, and obviously I was on the list. But once we were ready, the told us that the adults didn't need to be there, and that they were just going to use the orphans and the leads.... So I was a little upset, along with the rest of the cast!! I know one person in my cast who had to drive all the way from Salt Lake just to be here, but then left because they weren't needed!! I can't even imagine what time she woke up to be here!! .. Anyway... I didn't want to go back home, so I stayed and watched, which was a good thing, because after awhile, the decided to use the adults, so I got to be on TV! It was really fun, and it was a great way to draw attention toward the show! 

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