We went and saw all the Mormon sights of Nauvoo. We saw this really cool bridge. If you've ever seen the Joseph Smith movie, then you might recognize this bridge. Joesph and Emma have their first kiss under this bridge... well in the movie... not really though. It was a really cool bridge.

This is the river after the bridge. The water goes to the Mississippi river. I wanted to stop and play in it, but we had to move on.

This is Joseph Smith's grave. It's literally in the middle of no where. It's so weird, you think it would be in a huge, protected cemetery, but its not... just a small little cemetery that you wouldn't even know was there if you didn't look hard enough.

This is me standing in front of the Mississippi river. This is where the Mormon pioneers started when they needed to cross the river. THAT RIVER IS HUGE!!

We had Ice Cream before we left, and it was delicious. Today we drove about 300 miles, and it took us about 5 hours to get to Chicago. WE MADE IT!! We are finally here! Let the fun begin! More about Chicago coming up soon!!

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