This summer flew by fast, and I can't believe it almost over. School starts on Monday... well not for me. But it still is a sign that Summer is over. I can't believe how fast it went. Summer is the hardest season to say goodbye to for me. Here are some of my favorite things of this summer, and things I will miss...

I'm so happy that I got to travel to a new city this Summer. Chicago was an awesome city, and I can't wait to go back and explore there again. Also Nauvoo was awesome too! I wonder if next summer I will travel to a new city.

I am happy that I got to go to Disneyland this summer after 3 years of waiting. It was so much fun, and it made my summer complete. I just love it there, and hope I get to go again next year.

I think the thing I will miss most about summer is Farmington pond, and the rope swing. I love this pond. This summer would not have been the same without it. I'm going to miss going over there on a hot summers day, and jumping off the dock into the nice cold water, and swinging into the water from the swing. I had so much fun there with so many friends this summer. I probably swam more this summer then all my other summers combined... heck, I lost 10 pounds because of all the swimming. I'm going to miss it. At least I know that the pond will still be there next summer for me to enjoy :)
I hate to say goodbye to summer, but I guess there isn't any other choice.
Goodbye Summer, I will miss you. You were one of the best summers of my life!!
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