In my English class last year, we had to make a 5 year letter to our selves. In that letter we had to make goals that we want to reach by that time. To be honest the only goal I can remember putting on there is.. "Run in some type of a race".. So I've been thinking. Why not give it a try. How much damage can one 5K do to you right? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So I thought... I should give running a try now. It's on of my biggest regrets in life to not be able to run well. I mean, I'm 18 years old for Pete sake, I should be running everywhere! But it's hard. But I'm going to train, and my goal is to run a 5K on this up coming Thanksgiving. I hope it works out. I bet once I start running, and it gets easier for me, I might actually like it... who knows, maybe I will even do a marathon one day..... HAHAHA...
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