Happy 24th of July everyone!
This year, Alec, Chase and I stayed out ALL night saving spots for the parade on main street in Bountiful. It was so much fun as always. This is mine and Alec's 2nd time staying out and saving spots, and it was Chase's first time. I wish I would have had a camera there to take pictures, but we were stupid and didn't bring any. But, I can tell you what we did all night, maybe that will spike my memory in the future....
One thing that we did was we rode Chases long board down the street in the middle of the night, since there wasn't any cars. I, of course, sat down to ride. Well, little did we know, the street has a small slant to it, so we were going down hill, and pretty fast! People laughed at us, as you can imagine. My under ware got caught in the back wheels. :S HAHA... it was really fun though.
We walked to Dee's to get some food, but there were closed. :P
We watched scary ghost videos on my phone and scared ourselves, and screamed as a man walked by, because he scared us so bad! HAHA..
We flirted with some girls.
We ate Candy, and got sick.... I threw up. Energy drinks and chocolate don't mix people.
We also danced in the street and layed in the street... there is a bunch of things that you can do in the street at 3 in the morning. ;)
Anyway, at 7 AM, we finally got to go home to get some rest.
None of us slept the entire night.

The parade started at 6. It was actually really good this year. Over the past few years, the parade has been some what boring, and long! But it was good this year, and I liked it. Look how cute my niece and nephews look with there hands on their hearts as the flag and soldiers walked by.
True Americans. HAHA..

Ali enjoyed it to, she was waving her flag, dancing to the music, and waving at people. She is such a cutie!

Cameron and I love to make silly faces for the Camera, so this was one of MANY silly pics that we took. I love this kid. Best bud ever!

At the end of the parade, there was 2,000 + young men dressed as the 2,000 stripling warriors. It was really cool to see. It took them more than 5 mins. to walk by.
After the parade, we went and watched fireworks at our usual spot along Davis Blvd. They were good. :)
The next morning, I ran the 24th of July 5k, and Sara and my Mom did it also. I ran the entire way without stopping! That's a pretty big accomplishment for me, I was proud. I was really tired after though... probably because I had an all nighter the day before! Oh well, it was fun.
All in all, it was a really great 24th of July weekend. I had fun, and I hope you did also. :)
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