Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 251, Over the river and through the woods...

Today, I took my dogs on a hike up in the mountains. We just did our usual hike..but once we got to the river, the puppies couldn't stop playing in the water! I guess it's because it was such a nice and warm day.

The dogs giving each other a kiss as they pass each other... So cute

This is the river they like to play in...

Grace found a new plastic toy that she liked to play with in the water...

But Jenna would hide the toy just behind this concrete wall... she is so funny!

I love my dogs so much, and I'm so happy it's spring now so I can start taking them out more! They are such good dogs!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 250, Tie Die.

I tie died a shirt today.. I haven't done that for a long time.
Me and some friends all got together, and tie died some stuff...
It is actually really fun to tie die. Its also art if you really look at it...
I hope my shirt looks cool... it's actually a hoodie not a shirt.
I think I'm going to tie die more often, just because it's so much fun to do!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

day 249, I wish...

I really really wish I was a great painter!
I know that practice makes perfect, but I get so frustrated when I paint, and I don't do it right...
I love to pain, but I'm not that good.. It's one of my goals after graduation to learn how to paint.
I hope it goes well, and I can paint some awesome paintings one day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 248, ..... I can't wait.

I seriously...literally... can not wait for Harry Potter 7 part 2 to come out!
I am so excited to see the movie!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 247, ADELE

Alright guys... I have a new favorite singer.. You most likely have heard of her, or heard some of her songs like "Rolling in the Deep"... So ADELE... is AMAZING! I just can't get over how awesome she is. I would love to go to one of her concerts sometime. I wish I could sing like her! She is so amazing... if you haven't heard her work.. go look her up! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 246, Arthur!

Arthur is the coolest show ever, it was one of my favorite TV shows as a kid, and I still watch it fact, I'm watching it right now! I just love it, and it's a great show for kids! I hope its still around when I have kids so they can watch!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

day 245, My first cake!

 You know how a few post back, I talked about how I want to start making cakes? Well, I made my first professional cake today. It was really stressful because it was my first time, and I didn't all by myself. But it was still lots of fun.

This is what it looked when it was done. I got so tired making the cake that when it came to decorating it, I just put the fondant on, and added a few things.... Next time, I want to make the cake, and decorate it the next day. That hopefully will work better.

The cake actually tasted really good, and it was made from scratch. The only bad thing is, I didn't have that much butter cream (frosting)... but it still was good. Next time I also want to make my own fondant. Hopefully it all works out next time, put practice makes perfect...right? We will see.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 244, Getting ready for Easter!

   I think that dying eggs is the best thing about Easter! I don't know why, but it is actually really fun. Sadly, I could join in the fun this year, because I had to go to ANNIE... so I was getting ready. But I was there for a little bit of it. I got to take a few pictures for the blog. Cameron loves to dye the eggs also, its so funny to watch him while he does it. He just throws the eggs in, and moves on to the next egg. I think our eggs turned out nice this year... what do you think?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 243, They say it's your Birthday!!

 Today is my Birthday, I can't believe that I'm 18 years old now! I feel so old! It was a very fun Birthday! My family and I went to the Olive Garden for dinner. I opened my presents there. I got...

 ~ 2 round cake pans
~ Fondant for cake
~ 30 $ iTunes gift card
~ 15 $ iTunes gift card
~ A bunch of cake stuff, such as a fondant roller, cookie cutters, cake step by step book,
~ My dad also gave me 200 $ of Birthday money

   After dinner, Sarah and I went to go see the new movie that came out today called "African Cats" It was such a good movie! I want to go to Africa now!! Maybe someday I will!

  So over all, I think it turned out to be a really great Birthday! Thanks to all my family and friends! It so weird that I'm 18, I don't want to grow up!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 242, A new goal..

    So, I have a new goal I want to obtain. I'm not really sure how it's going to work out. But why not try right? I'm not afraid to try something new, and experience something different. It's probably even good for you to experience things like that. It's just one of my new goals that I have with my new mind set that ever Senior gets right before Graduation.... "I'm going to conquer the world!!".... right?..... not so much.. But I still have things that I do want to try.. and this is a new one, something that I'm kind of excited about... when it's probably foolish of me to be excited about it... because it might not be the most joyful thing out their. But I'm going to give it a try... SO HERE IT IS!! The moment you have all been waiting for!...


    Just a week, that's it. I can't eat anything that comes from an animal.. yeah... No meat or milk... which those two things are practically my life. I love my milk, it's like my teddy bear at night! Anyway... I'm going to try it, just for a week, and see how it feels. Everyone says that if you are Vegan, then you have lots of energy...and loose weight, which we all know I need to do.. just a pinch. HAHA... I've decided that I'm going to wait until the summer time to do it though.. I don't think I could make it with all this school crap going on, I need my milk... it's my best friend. ;)  So I hope it goes well, and I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with it, and it maybe will be the worst week of my LIFE! But, it doesn't hurt to try something new.
"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 241, What is up with Utah?

So, everyone has been saying that Utah is the Bipolar state, and I must say... its kinda true.
If you don't like the weather in Utah, just wait 10 minutes.

But seriously... You can wake up in the morning, and it can be poring rain, the gutters will be over flowing with water, and you will be dressed in a rain coat, and an umbrella... but in the after noon, it will be bright and sunny, with out a single drop of water in sight...and then later that night... it snows!
It's so weird!!

Sometimes, I wish that the weather would stop change its mind, and just stick with something...
It's kind of annoying.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 240, I want some cake...

Over the past few weeks, I have found a new TV show that is super fun to watch. I don't know if you have seen it, or even herd of it, but it's an awesome show.
It's where this guy named Buddy, makes really cool cakes!
They are so cool!
Some spit out fire, some move, and he even made a toilet cake the really flushed!
So, as I've been watching this show, I thought to myself... How cool would it be to make a cake like that.
After a few days with that thought in my head, I thought... Why not try it?
So, it is my goal for the next couple of months to try making cool looking cakes!
I know I'm not going to make a cake like Buddy does, but I'm going to try to make some cool looking cakes!
These are some cool cakes that would be cool to make...

Beach theme..

Disney themed...

Nightmare before Christmas...

Anyway.. I hope I'm good at in, and who knows, maybe I can someday do it for a living... we'll find out.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 239, Whats your time of day?

What time of day works best for you??

Are you an early bird?
Do you like to wake up early in the morning? Listen to the bird chirp in the morning? Watch the sun rise?

Or are you an evening person? Do you like to watch the sun set? Stair at the stars, and listen to the crickets sing at night? Do you like to stay up at night?

As for me, I'm a evening person, that's when I feel the most relaxed, calm and happy. Sadly, it doesn't last long, because I have to go to bed in order to wake up in the morning for school :P
I love to just and relax at night time, and I could stay up for hours if I was able to!
That's one of the reasons why I like summer so much, because I don't have to worry about waking up early in the morning, and I can just hang out at night!

So what about you??

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 238, One of my dreams....

I know I'm not in the greatest shape, and I hate that about myself.
One of my dreams is to be able to run!
Now, its not that I can't run, I just can't run very far...
I would love to wake up on Saturday mornings, and run 2 or 3 miles...
I'm hoping to start running this summer, and I hope it works out.
I actually got to say that I've always wanted to run a marathon.
I know that I have to work up to that, and I may actually not ever get there, but it still is one of my dreams.
But you have to be really good to do that... but who knows, maybe I will someday.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 237, In Memory...

Over the past few years, my moms side of the family has gone through alot..
My mom lost one of her sisters a few years back, and my moms mother died last summer, and just this week, my moms baby sister died....

My aunt Virginia was a very kind loving person, with a sweet spirit.
She love to be around people, and to make them happy.
She love to have fun, to collect rocks, and to painn. She was very talented.
She loved everyone she knew, and always smiled.
We will miss her.

We love you aunt Gigi! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 236, I wish it were here...

I must say, that Christmas and the 4th of July are my up most favorite holidays!
Just like how I get excited when Christmas starts coming to town...
 I also get excited when it's almost the 4th of July!!
I just love the holiday!
I guess I like these holidays because the are family holidays... Its a holiday where are with your family all day!
I'm so excited for the 4th of July this year, and I just it would just come faster!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 235, I love it!!

My daffodils in my front yard are finally coming out! That to me, means spring! I'm so excited for spring, summer, and most of all graduation... I can't believe that it is just around the corner. It has gone by so fast, and boy, am I ready for it to be over!! Only a few more weeks of High School, and then I won't have to worry about it anymore... I can sit a relax for awhile, I will finally be allowed to breath!!
It just can't come fast enough.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 234, The moon...

   Can I just tell you how much I love the moon? Well.... I do. I just love to step out side, look into the dark night sky, and see the bright moon. It is just so big, bright, and pretty! That's what I love about the summer time. I love to sit on a blanket, and look at the moon and the stars. It's actually really relaxing to look at. I also think it would be really cool to go and walk on the moon... but it would also be very scary... It just wouldn't be the night sky if we didn't have the moon. Right??

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Me and Addie..

Tonight was opening night of ANNIE! I can't believe it, we have come all this way, and it's finally here! I think that the performance really well, other then a few opening night butterflies... :P

Julie and me

I'm so grateful to meet all the wonderful people in the ANNIE cast, and I wouldn't change anything about it. I have learned so much, and I'm thankful for that. Everyone is so nice in the cast, and we are now a family. It's kind of sad that the casts are separating now, because we won't see them anymore!

Susan and me...

If you haven't got tickets to come see the show, GET SOME! I can personally tell you that the show is AWESOME! It's such a great family show! I'm so proud to be a part of it! Thanks to everyone in the cast, directors, and everyone else who is involved with the show!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 232, Big Buddha!

  Today, I was on T.V. , Yeah, I know, I'm famous!...HAHAH..Not. Anyway, Big Buddha from channel 13 news came and filmed some video segments of ANNIE to help promote the show. It was really fun to be on TV, and to be seen all around the state. But it was kind of ridiculous also. I woke up at 5:15AM to go to the theater, and I had to be there at 6AM. Once I got there, we got into costume, and got ready. They made a list of people who needed to be there that morning, and obviously I was on the list. But once we were ready, the told us that the adults didn't need to be there, and that they were just going to use the orphans and the leads.... So I was a little upset, along with the rest of the cast!! I know one person in my cast who had to drive all the way from Salt Lake just to be here, but then left because they weren't needed!! I can't even imagine what time she woke up to be here!! .. Anyway... I didn't want to go back home, so I stayed and watched, which was a good thing, because after awhile, the decided to use the adults, so I got to be on TV! It was really fun, and it was a great way to draw attention toward the show! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 231, A little secret......

  Now, don't start reading this, and think I'm crazy, or weird... I'm going to share a secret with you guys today. This secret has been with me most of my life... and to be honest, I feel kinda of... lets say.... hmm...guilty? Yeah.. guilty when I admit this to you... but hey, it's me, and you can't change that! So here it goes....  My favorite smell IN THE ENTIRE WORLD is the smell of... cigarette smoke.

   Now, I know what you're thinking... EWWW.... GROSS! But, I can't help it! Now don't get me wrong, I will never ever smoke, because it really disgusting! But.. I just love the smell.. OK?
  Let me explain my self, ever since I was a kid, I have liked this smell, and I think I know why... I think it's because... my best memories in life are of when I was in Disneyland.. or other places like that.. and those kinds of places are filled with the sent of cigarette smoke. So when I smell it, it brings back the memories or those good times, and great memories. That why love the smell so much... So please don't think I'm weird. :)
But now you know.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 230, Preview night!

   Today was the first time we ran the entire show of ANNIE with an audience, even though it isn't opening night, it is still a preview night! It went really well, and I'm so proud! :)
   I'm so grateful that I could be in this show, I have been able to meet tons of wonderful people, and make new friends! I really enjoy acting, singing, and being on stage! Now, Opening night is on Monday, but Tuesday night for my cast. I feels like tonight was opening night, even though it wasn't... But, I'm still so excited!! I can't believe it is finally here! I hope we do well for the rest of the run. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 229, Go see it!!

   So, I'm sure you all have herd about the movie "Soul Surfer" that came out today, well I saw it, and let me tell ya.. IT WAS AMAZING! It is one of the best movies I have scene in a long time! It was just so inspirational, and helps you look at life in a different prospective. Which most of us need to do every now and again. It helps you realize all the little things in life that you have, and you become really grateful for those spacial things.
    So for those of you who don't know what this movie is all about, I will tell you.... So it's a true story about this girl named... Bethany Hamilton. Bethany lives in Hawaii, and she loves to surf! Her dream is to become a professional surfer some day. Well one day while she is surfer with her best friend, a shark comes, and bites off her left arm!!... YEAH I KNOW SCARY!!...Anyway. So the rest of the movie is her trying to cope with her new life... and learning how to surf again.
    Honestly, if I were in her shoes, I don't know if I could do what she did, let alone get back in the water, but you know, she let go of her fears, and didn't let it get the best of her... and all in all, she did become a professional surfer! It is such a great movie!

Bethany Hamilton and AnnaSophia Robb.

The actress that played Bethany Hamilton in the movie is AnnaSophia Robb. She has been in several movies that you may know Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Bridge to Terabithia. She did such a great job at playing the roll. She also had to learn how to surf, and learn to not use her left arm ;)

OH!! I almost forgot, Carrie Underwood was also in the movie! Yeah.. that also made the movie very good! Her acting was kinda off at first, but it got better... but hey, it Carrie!
Anyway... GO SEE THE MOVIE!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 228, I love sleep.

Over the past week, with the last week of rehearsal for Annie, and homework and all.. Sleep has become my best friend! I LOVE TO SLEEP!
I guess you can say that every normal teenager does... but I crave it..I can't get enough of it.
It's the worst feeling when you are in bed in the morning, and you know that you need to wake up because you have work to do!
It's funny, because I hate to go to bed at night, but once I'm in bed, and asleep, I don't want to wake up in the morning!
Lets just say that my alarm clock is my worst enemy.
I wish I could just have one day to my self, with no worries, and I could sit in bed all day if I wanted!
Oh the joys of Spring Break... While my friends are on these nice big vacations, I'm home.. doing work.. or sleeping...
I'm so ready for summer, and it couldn't come faster!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 227, WORK WORK WORK....and more WORK!

This is all my homework...

One of the many things I hate about teacher is.... Homework over Spring Break.
It's a break people, and I need one!
I have tons of stuff to do this week, such as an English packet, My online classes, I have to make a magazine for Creative Writing, and I have to make a presentation for English... Yeah.. all of it is due the week after Spring Break.
If I'm not at Annie practice this week, then I'm either sleeping or doing homework!
I feel bad, because I've had to turn away my friends this week, and they really want to hang out!
But you know what, I finished a entire term of Fit for Life online today... yeah, an entire term!
...That's a lot...
I just hope I get everything done.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 226, Here goes nothin'...

Me in my Mr. Bundles costume.

Here goes nothing.... except  2 1/2 months of practice!
Today, my cast for Annie ran through the entire play with our costumes on and everything. Its like we are actually running the show with an audience. SO IT'S A BIG DEAL!
It was really exciting getting everything ready, getting in costume, and getting our microphones on...
Once the play started, Butterfly's were everywhere in my body! I thought I was going to faint or puke!
I normally don't get very nervous, but today I did... and I guess it's a good thing.. I just wonder how nervous I will be for an actual audience!
So I had to be at the theater at 6 o'clock, the play started at 7:30, and after words, we had to stay for notes...
So I didn't get home until 11:30..12 ish...
But its exciting, and I love it!
I have practice everyday this week, and they are expected to be long rehearsals!
With this and all my home work for school, I don't get a Spring Break!... But it's nice not to worry about school for the week! I can't imagine what it would be like if I did have to go to school!..... I think I would be a zombie...

Me in my servant costume.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 225, Just some spring cleaning....

So over the years... my house and yard have taken a beating.. and I think its about time someone did something about it. Once I'm done with everything, and not so busy, I want to start working on the house and the yard. Such things include... paint under the deck, sand and paint around the front and side doors, and plant new grass in the back yard.... and much much more!

I started planting grass seeds in the yard today, and I really hope it works...
So for the next few months I hope to be working on the house and yard, and make it look better again!!
I'm excited for a good looking yard!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 224, I love to see the Temple....

Mormon temples are very pretty, no matter where they are... and every temple is different.
Here are some pictures of temples I like... or wish to see someday...

San Diego temple...

Salt Lake City temple...

Bountiful temple...

St. George temple...

Palmyra New York temple...
I hope to see this temple someday..

Nauvoo Illinois temple...
I also hope to see this temple someday...

These are just a few of the many temples that the LDS church has built, and I'm so glad we have them all over the world!